Studio Policies
Be Prepared
Always arrive to class on time and in dress code with appropriate hair. Students should arrive five minutes before scheduled class time. Students may not be allowed to participate in class if more than 15 minutes tardy or if they consistently violate proper dress code.
Students are expected to be present physically and mentally for all classes. Please notify the studio if a student is to be absent. Perfect attendance awards will be given to any student with zero absences throughout the year (no exceptions). Students must be registered by October 1st to qualify.
Good attendance is imperative, as habitual absences and tardiness can hold back an entire class, and the studio cannot jeopardize its responsibilities to the rest of the class for one student. Please make every effort to attend every class. No refunds or prorated tuition are given for missed classes. Students may attend a makeup class with studio approval.
Class Observation
Parents, siblings, and observers are not permitted in the classroom at any time. There will be 2 scheduled parent watch weeks where families will be invited in studio to observe the progress of their dancers and receive performance information. The studio is equipped with a television network where you can view your child’s class from our lobby area.
Holidays & Studio Closings
DDA follows the Cherokee County School calendar. Classes begin the first Monday after school starts in August and run through mid-May. All studio closings are listed in our calendar. We do not observe teacher work days or Martin Luther King Day in January. We do not have class on Halloween.
In case of inclement weather, we will follow all Cherokee County School closings. There is NO refund when the studio must close. Please check the website to confirm closings.
Pick up and drop off
Please drop off and pick up your dancer promptly. Students should arrive at least five minutes before class starts. Parents must wait with their student until they are called to class by their instructor. Please promptly pick up your student at class end time. Our staff is extremely busy and cannot provide your dancer with the appropriate child care necessary to keep your dancer safe. DDA reserves the right to charge a late pickup fee for habitual late pickups beyond 15 minutes. We understand emergency situations arise. If you are going to be more than 5 minutes late to pick up your student, please call the studio and notify the front desk.
Please park and enter the studio to pick up your dancer to avoid unsupervised dancers outside of the studio. If a health condition exits which will prevent full participation or that may present a danger to your student or others, please notify Duet in writing as soon as possible.
Only students and staff members are allowed beyond the lobby. This if for the safety and privacy of our dancers. If you need to go to the restrooms, please ask the front desk staff before going beyond the lobby.
General Etiquette/Behavior
Students must remain in the lobby until they are called back to class.
Please clean up after yourself and respect all studio property
Be kind to your instructors and fellow dancers – no bad mouthing, disrespect, gossiping, profanity, etc. will be tolerated
Keep talking to a minimum during class.
Students are not to be socializing in a disruptive manner during the class with other students. Please honor your teacher and fellow students by giving full attention and co-operation. Offer positive critiques rather than negative comments.
Any negative behavior outside of the studio related to Duet Dance Academy students or instructors will be subject to consequences at the discretion of Ms. Taylor
Students may not enter the studios without the permission or supervision of an instructor
Students are encouraged not to leave the room once class has begun.
Please allow for appropriate restroom use prior to class. Very young children will be treated sensitively as the need arises.
No running, shouting, or disruptive behavior allowed in the lobby or hallways – siblings of students in class are expected to be supervised at all times
No gum or food allowed in studios – only water permitted
If you must pick up your student early from class, please send a written notice to the instructor and the instructor will dismiss the dancer from class. No parents are allowed to disrupt class.
Teachers reserve the right to dismiss any student from class who continuously disrupts
A parent/teacher conference must take place before a ‘dismissed student’ may return to class.
If you need to talk personally to an instructor, please schedule an appointment. Do not ask instructors during or in-between classes as instructor’s schedules can be very tight. You may speak with our office manager to schedule a time to meet with the instructor.
During class if a student complains of being ill, or sustains an injury and cannot participate, the instructor will send them to the office were the parents will be notified if not on the premises.